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Why Plo Koon Was the ONLY Jedi To Ever Beat Yoda In a Lightsaber Duel
Why Plo Koon is the ONLY Jedi that Could Beat Yoda in a Duel - Star Wars Explained
The ONLY Jedi Ever To Beat Yoda In a Lightsaber Duel - Star Wars Explained
Yoda vs Plo Koon
Why Plo Koon Was The Only Jedi To Beat Yoda In A Lightsaber Duel | Star Wars Explained
Plo Koon Was The ONLY Jedi To Ever Beat Yoda In A Duel, But Why?
The ONLY Jedi to DEFEAT Yoda in a DUEL #shorts #starwars
The ONLY TWO Jedi Yoda Thought Could Defeat Sidious
Did You Know Plo Koon Was the ONLY Jedi to beat Yoda in a LIGHTSABER FIGHT! - Star Wars Explained
Plo koon vs Yoda - Requested (My opinion)
Who Was the Only Jedi to Defeat Yoda In a Lightsaber Dual? #shorts
How Did Plo Koon Have One Of The Most Unique Lightsabers Of The Clone Wars?